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Conventional histology

Sophistolab offers the full range of conventional histological techniques for fixed and frozen tissue samples. We can cover the entire histology workflow - from sample trimming and dehydration to embedding, cutting and staining. 

Processing of fixed and frozen tissue samples

Optimally fixed and processed tissue samples as well as high-quality tissue sections and stains are required to achieve meaningful histology. You can find all the important information about good pre-analytics and optimal tissue fixation as well as recommendations for sending samples in our FAQs Section. .

H&E and histological special stains

H&E staining is the gold standard in histology. That is why we prepare an H&E stain for you from every tissue section. 

In addition, we have a large portfolio of special histological stains that can be used to visualise specific tissue structures or substances in the sample. 

If you cannot find the desired stain in our list, please contact us. We would be pleased to set up the desired stain for you. 

Overview of staining

Alcian blue Detection of acidic mucopolysaccharides and sulphated glycosaminoglycans
Alcian blue-PAS Combination stain of Alcian blue and PAS reaction
Alcian blue-Sirius red (quadchrome) Combination stain of Alcian blue and Picro Sirius red
Alizarin red Detection of calcium / calcifications
Prussian blue Visualisation of trivalent iron
Elastica stain Visualisation of elastic fibres
Elastica-van-Gieson Differentiation staining of muscles, cytoplasm, elastic and collagen fibres
FITE - FARACO Detection of acid-resistant bacteria (Nocardia)
Giemsa stain Differentiation stain for lymphatic tissue, blood and bone marrow smears
Gomori silver stain Visualisation of reticular fibres
Gram staining Detection of bacteria / differentiation between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
Grocott silver stain Detection of fungi
Congo Detection of amyloid
Luxol Fast Blue Visualisation of myelin sheaths
Masson's trichrome blue Differentiation staining of muscles, cytoplasm and collagen fibres (blue visualisation)
Masson's trichrome green Differentiation staining of muscles, cytoplasm and collagen fibres (green visualisation)
Oil Red O Detection of neutral fats
PAS-reaction Detection of glycogen, neutral mucopolysaccharides and proteoglycans
Picro Sirius red Visualisation and differentiation of collagen type I and type III
Toluidine Blue stain Visualisation of mast cells
Van Kossa silver stain Detection of calcium / calcifications
Ziehl Neelsen Detection of acid-resistant bacteria (mycobacterium)

Alcian blue

Detection of acidic mucopolysaccharides and sulphated glycosaminoglycans

Alcian blue-PAS

Combination stain of Alcian blue and PAS reaction

Alcian blue-Sirius red (quadchrome)

Combination stain of Alcian blue and Picro Sirius red

Prussian blue

Visualisation of trivalent iron

Elastica stain

Visualisation of elastic fibres


Differentiation staining of muscles, cytoplasm, elastic and collagen fibres


Detection of acid-resistant bacteria (Nocardia)

Giemsa stain

Differentiation stain for lymphatic tissue, blood and bone marrow smears

Gomori silver stain

Visualisation of reticular fibres

Gram staining

Detection of bacteria / differentiation between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

Grocott silver stain

Detection of fungi



Detection of amyloid

Masson's trichrome blue

Differentiation staining of muscles, cytoplasm and collagen fibres (blue visualisation)

Masson's trichrome green

Differentiation staining of muscles, cytoplasm and collagen fibres (green visualisation)

Oil Red O

Detection of neutral fats

PAS reaction

Detection of glycogen, neutral mucopolysaccharides and proteoglycans

Picro Sirius red

Visualisation and differentiation of collagen type I and type III

Toluidine Blue stain

Visualisation of mast cells

Van Kossa silver stain

Detection of calcium / calcifications

Ziehl Neelsen

Detection of acid-resistant bacteria (mycobacterium)